Maintaining a healthy level of working capital, the cash required for the day-to-day operations of your business, is a huge challenge for small businesses and startups. If you own a small business or are just starting up, you are probably experiencing firsthand the squeeze caused by a lack of cash. You have a vision for your company, but the scarcity of cash keeps pushing that vision out of reach. An opportunity may appear today, but you won’t have the money from your last sale until 30, 60, or even 90 days from now, so the opportunity slips away. Your employees are out working, and you need to pay them in two weeks, but the client won’t pay their invoice for another month, so you’re uncertain of your ability to make payroll. Or perhaps your trucks have made their deliveries and you need to buy more gas to get to the next destination but, again, the invoices won’t be collected until months from now. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?
A simple explanation of how it works
How can Eagle Business Credit help?
Eagle Business Credit is a factoring company in Savannah, GA, that understands the challenges of small business. We know that the old adage is absolutely true: It takes money to make money. It’s our vision to help every client get the money they need to make their visions come true. We believe in small business. When you succeed, we succeed. Our invoice factoring service puts cash in the hands of small business owners every day to give them the working capital for business they need to keep trading.
When you factor your receivables, you sell them to us at a nominal discount rate. You get the cash you need today, and we collect from your customers when the invoices fall due for payment. Think of it as a working capital line of credit. Every time you invoice a customer, you can draw on that line of credit to get cash, but it’s even better than that, because it’s not a loan and doesn’t need to be repaid. Factoring simply provides working capital funding by getting you access to the money you have already earned today instead of having to wait until the customer pays their invoice. Receivables servicing in this way puts an end to the crushing limitations of a lack of cash.
Registration with us is fast and easy and requires no credit checks. We can get you started quickly and, in just a few days, you’ll have the cash you need to take that great opportunity, make your payroll, and build the business of your dreams.
Our process is straightforward:
- Set up an account with us. With just a simple phone call, we can collect your information and start the approval process.
- Go out and perform your service or deliver your product and create your invoice as normal.
- Send the invoice to us for an immediate cash advance.
- Build your business while we collect the payment on your behalf.
Eagle Business Credit is a leader among receivables factoring, staffing factoring, export factoring, and freight factoring companies. We are experts at what we do. Call us today to put us to work for you!
Call us today and find out how easy it is to turn your unpaid invoices into funds you can use to grow tomorrow.