Ian Varley


Sell Invoices: 4 Reasons Why Companies Choose to Sell Invoices

It’s not difficult to send an invoice and collect a payment, which is why most companies start out doing that in-house. However, collecting on your receivables is a process that can be easily outsourced. With invoice factoring, you can get paid faster without having to deal with receivables servicing in Madison, WI. In this article,

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Accounts Receivable financing rates

Accounts Receivable Financing For Small Businesses: 4 Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to starting and running a successful business, there are hundreds of important aspects that you need to be focusing on. Ensuring fast and flexible funding, however, should be at the very top of your company priority list — that’s where accounts receivable financing comes into play. Why Choose Accounts Receivable Financing? From

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The Essential Connection: Small Business Working Capital and Profit

Starting a small business can be an exciting venture filled with dreams of success and profitability. While many new entrepreneurs are keenly focused on generating profits, they often overlook a critical factor that plays a pivotal role in achieving that goal: working capital. In this article, we will explore the essential relationship between working capital

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Should I Use Accounting Software for My Small Business?

Many small business owners have been turning to accounting software for their bookkeeping needs. Software can be used with or without an accounting department, depending on how lean your business is. Accounting software has stepped in to fulfill the need of monitoring financials and minimizing errors in account processes, so does your small business need

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what is collateral

Understanding Collateral in Business Funding: A Comprehensive Guide

Collateral plays a pivotal role in the realm of business funding, serving as a key factor that lenders consider when assessing the risk and terms of a loan or credit facility. So, what exactly is collateral and does your financing require collateral? Why Do Lenders Need Collateral? Collateral serves as a form of security for

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